
Master Planning

Master Planning

The process for the Master Plan and Programming Study starts with information gathered from the Owner’s representatives (investors, end users, department heads, etc.) and works to build consensus as each decision is made or each priority is established. Ultimately, the development must meet the long-range needs of the Owner while the phased design enables the entire facility to appear and operate as one.

The Master Plan process involves investigating the site and building to determine its optimal use based on a “balanced site” which maintains a good ratio between all anticipated uses. The process starts by looking at needs and projecting future growth until the use of the site is maximized and/or the desired facility size is reached. The process is tempered by the Owner’s philosophies, functions and financial capabilities.

Once the optimum use is determined, the design is broken down into phases to allow for facility expansions at the Owner’s discretion. Care will be taken in the process to build consensus and to assure that options are explored for the Owner and end users.


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